Monday, June 22, 2009

Stephanie & Jason - June 6th

Talk about fun weddings. This one was a blast. Everyone in the wedding party and the parents are just amazingly wonderful people. The location was just the best. A yacht club near Anne Arundel County.

Here are two "Teaser" pictures from this wedding.

Getting them to all to jump was a lot of fun too. And they were willing to do this for us.

I think the pictures turned out well. Both of these are straight out of the camera. The only editing that was done twas to convert the images to JPG and to reduce the size for better email/web management. Hopefully they will want to do a "Trash the Dress" session in a few months.

I will start the upload process for all of their images tonight.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Engagement Video

Amanda & Terry's Engagement Shoot
March 22, 2009

Shoot Location: Tidal Basin, Washington DC

This was a very fun day. We were confronted by a police officer when we were in front of the Jefferson Memorial. Apparently we (I) needed a permit to take pictures down there. You don't need one if you are a tourist taking pictures. But they could tell, we weren't tourists. So, the cop told me I could be fined and/or arrested for this. Go figure! Well, he was really cool and told us to be quick and wrap it up over there as fast as possible.