Monday, December 13, 2010

The Barn Shoot - October 24, 2010

Well we finally held our barn shoot. It was the day after a very long and very exciting wedding. The whole crew was very tired but also very excited to do this shoot. We had about 11 models and several photographers show up for the day.

We were teaching Studio lighting in remote locations. The barn was great, the hosts were great, the models were great.

Here is Ashley and Nicolas. I met Ashley at a Bridal Show and asked her if she would like to join us in doing this shoot. Both Ashley and Nicolas were great to work with with. Here picture of Ashley from that day.

I met Candace at the Regency Furniture Stadium in Charles County. She is a wonderful person to work with and I love shooting images of her.

I had several ideas of poses I wanted to do with her and her husband. But he had other plans that day. Here are a couple more images of Candace.

Shannon and Alicia are sisters that I met at the Regency Field. They are fans of the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs. Their grandmother came to the shoot to do some picture taking of her grand kids. Here is my favorite picture of them from that day.

All in all, it was a very fun day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The day after the Blizzard of 2010

Cabin fever has set in! But that doesn't mean I can't pick up my camera and take a few pictures. Here are a few images looking at the damage to the trees in my backyard.

Notice all the bent and broken trees? We had so much snow that the dog didn't know where to go to relieve herself.

Zoomed in a little closer.... And one more on the left side of the property.

Then I decided to go look out the front door to see how much shoveling I was going to have to do. Arrrrrg, I should have gone back in and turned on the fireplace!

The builder came through with a plow to clear the streets. Throwing large snow boulders at the foot of my driveway. Took us about 5 hours to shovel the front porch, sidewalk and the driveway. Never did do the street and the end of the driveway. Thankfully the developer came back and cleared that all away for me!

But what a beautiful day it turned out to be. To bad we had another 6-10 inches of snow fall on Tuesday and Wednesday. But my prayers were answered. The snow that was suppose to happen on the 12th and 13th now isn't going to happen until maybe the 15th. So, no issues with getting to the wedding rehearsal on the 12th or the wedding on the 13th.